Guerrero de la pólvora
Guerrero de la pólvora
Estuvo en el Brooklyn durante los ataques exitosos contra Fort Morgan, donde, con otros 17 barcos, bloquearon y tomaron con éxito el control del Fuerte en Alabama. El barco de James, el Brooklyn, fue embestido por el CSS Tennessee. Los cañones y las armas de fuego continuaron disparando contra el Brooklyn y varios de los amigos de James murieron durante la batalla.
Durante toda la batalla, James permaneció valientemente en su puesto y continuó reponiendo a los hombres con pólvora, a pesar de las condiciones que lo rodeaban. Saltó para ayudar a los demás de buena gana y, gracias a su valentía, el CSS Tennessee se rindió a los Estados Unidos.
Más tarde, James recibió una Medalla de Honor por su participación en la batalla de Fort Morgan.
This reminded me a lot of what I enjoyed from the Dear America series and the spinoffs, each book was a great introduction to the person. It used a great use of action and adventure. I appreciated getting to know James Machon and I’m so glad I got to learn about him. It was well written and thought it worked.
This is based on a true story which covers their life on a battleship and what he needed to do. Fast paced and a great action tale as you see how he gets on in his journey. I received an advance copy from hidden gems and I want to review
A quick read in the vein of the My Name Is America series, although not presented in diary format. This chronicles the history of a young man assigned to a Union naval vessel for the breadth of the Civil War. Even in the short story, the characters are well developed and relatable in their everyday moments. The images enhance the story, displaying historical scenes to assist the imagination.
Great story of loyalty and heroism in the Civil War by a middle school aged boy. My son loved the story and was engaged, however the AI photos used were odd and unneeded. If anything they were confusing.